We care for the little ones....
when no one is able to support them.
The Children Need Us
A Heart For Children’s ministry mission here in the rural areas of North Bali is to give attention and take action when we become aware that orphaned, abused or disadvantaged children need assistance.
AHFC is committed to love and support the children so that they may have “a hope and a future.” Not only do we supply basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and love but we enable them to obtain an education, which is the only practical way out of the cycle of poverty. This is the goal of our Bali Children’s Ministry.
Our Promise
Please know that no one at A Heart For Children receives a salary or compensation of any kind. We are an all volunteer USA registered 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Public Charity. 100% of all donations to AHFC goes directly to the children and widows we support.